This sub-page is a transcript of Crispy Fred Chicken from season 2 of Lucky Fred.
Characters Fred Mort Friday Agent Brains/Braianna Mr. Tonsils Sir Percival Sara Nora Corky Wally K Thomas Super Commander Egghead Mutant octopus |
Locations Luckpuig residence School |
Music None |
[Thunder sound, then the students are screaming while running in library.]
- Mr. Tonsils: settle down [sniff] uhh.. it's just an power outage class, stay calm and stay on your seats [using a tissue]
[the students run out of the library as another thunder hits]
- Mr. Tonsils: WAIT! [running along with them]
- Friday: Fred? [shaking Fred's head] Fred? [hitting it on desk to wake him up] they're all gone.
- Fred: ohhh the "today", just about anything to get out of studying, [puts Friday in bag] let's go!
- Mort: the truly Brave dare to stay at their desks, Fred. [holds up a flashlight] unless you're too a chicken! to hear the terrifying tail of the legend of the toilet monster!
- Fred: oh Mort, why do you always pull out the same stunt when there's a black out?
- Mort:HEY! I do not!
[flashback plays]
- Mort: [writing on the blackboard and suddenly takes out a flashlight] the hunting!
[appearing in front of Nora with a flashlight] the darkness! [appearing in front of a fish bowl with a flashlight] the human! [flashback ends]
- Fred: you always do it Mort, but hey, watch out, I heard someone dying after hearing that story... by the boredom! [laughs and leaves]
- Mort: yeah, that's right, you go, unless you won't be disturbed when you screamed like a chicken!
[a small red chicken explodes]
- Fred: [comes back] OK Mort, let's see if I scream, or snore.
- Mort: [turns on the flashlight] every night, at the witching hour, a foul smelly and cut through monster, emerges from the sewers through the toilet.
[Fred yawns and Friday pops out his head]
- Mort: looking, for Brains to drink!
[Wally K and Corky looking scared] [Friday gulps]
- Mort: when he finds one, he cracks their head open like an egg, and then slurps like this [making sucking sound]
[Friday screams and Fred pushes him in the bag and closes it]
- Mort: I knew it! Fred's a chicken! I called it!
- Fred: no wait! it's not how it looks! it wasn't me!
- Mort: [takes pictures from Fred] wait right there, [working with his phone] a few clicks there, [chuckle] look what I just pulled on the internet!
[a song plays on the video]
- Fred was a dude if you
- thought he was cool and
- but one day when light goes out at night
- he freaked out and began to
- the chicken Fred won't use the boys room in the school
[Corky and Wally K begun to laugh] he won't take his piss out!
- Fred: well ENOUGH! it wasn't me! it was my pen!! [pulling out Friday]
- Braianna: hey! if Fred's pen screams, what do his pencils do? synchronize swimming? [laughs while pushes Fred]
[Mort, Wally K and Corky keep laughing] [in the school's warehouse]
- Braianna: Fred, you can't be friends with a highly specificed robot, if you can't control yourself!
- Fred: it's Mort who can't control his brain! didn't you hear that song?
[as Braianna's wrist watch beeps, she throws Fred into a locker and turns it on]
- Super Commander: agent Brains?
- Braianna: hi dad, I mean, Super Commander.
- Super Commander: Honey, egghead the evil alien has created a mutant, and he has send it to the earth to attack your quadrants. you must neutralize it using any means necessary.
- Braianna: Sir, yes Sir.
- Super Commander: did you get my email?
[Super Commander opens the email and the song on the video plays] [Super Commander laughs as Fred dashes out of the room]
- Nora: hi Fred, we saw your video. [she and Sara laugh]
- Fred: yeah, hilarious. [enters a class]
- Sir Percival and :Edd ie: [dancing in the class] run! run! chicken Fred!
[whole school singing]
- a chicken by the name of Freeed!
- Fred: [runs in a stool in the boys room] oh this is not happening! when I open my eyes, it'll all be over. [opens his eyes]
- Friday: [gets in] Fred! I've been looking for you! I've curry a graft at robot version! [starts singing] Fred is a chicken, he's not a p-p-pigeon. he's a leaver like a dodo, he's scared, he's lost his macho [stops when Fred throws a toilet paper at him] oh is the music finished?
- Fred: enough!
- Friday: [throws toilet paper at Fred] a toilet paper fight? that's so childish. let's ball, come on Fred! now you have to throw it on me you know the rules!
- Fred: wait, I'm having a toilet paper inspiration! the power of the toilet paper has inspired me!
- Friday: [gasp] the power of the frequent sheets!
- Fred:write down every word I say! I'm about to dictate something that would make history in the world of horror stories!
- Friday:OK, now you got my attention! [turns into a Secretary]
- Wally K: [entering while singing the video's song] run, run, chicken Fred!
[one of the stool doors cracks open]
- Wally K:hey! it's my private time to do an important business and everybody here knows that I have to do it ALONE! [pulls up his sleeve] you're gonna be sorry! [opens the stool door and finds no one in it, scratching his head and sits down] Ugh! [scary music plays] uhh, c-can someone turn off that music? I can't- I can't do my business in here!
- Friday: [appearing from behind him in a form of a monster] I am the toilet monster!
- Wally K: [runs out and screams] AHHHH!
- Mort: Wally, the toilet monster's just an earned legend! although,greatly improved by my amazing manner of talent!
- Wally K: I... I [shaking] I just see the toilet monster, and it gave me a message for you! [starts reading the message on toilet paper] I hear, that when there's a power outage, some jerk face calls me stinky, I, the toilet monster, dare you to say that into my face, tonight, at the witching hour, let's see what stinks when I drink his BRAINS!
[Mort freaks out and hides into a locker]
- Fred: [grabbing the toilet paper from Wally K] what's the big deal? hah, Mort you need to go and show him who's boss!
- Mort: MY BEAUTIFUL BRAIN! [whimpers]
- Fred: chill, Mort, Wally will go with ya!
- Wally K: WHAT??!
- Fred: right, Wally?
[Wally K runs away in panic]
- Fred: Wally? ugh, wimps. well, I suppose I'll have to go myself and tell him to leave poor little Mort's Brain alone!
- Mort: [comes out] wait, you do that, for me?
- Fred: well, if you change that awful video on the internet, I suppose I can think about it! here, hold this a sec [throws the message in Mort's hands] I've got a great idea for a song [clearing throat] ruuun, run,chicken Mort, the toilet monster has come out now! [laughs]
- Mort: Fred, you wrote this!
- Fred: nooo! no, look at the ink, smell it!
- Mort: "that idiot Mort's gonna see what's Fred made of"? "Friday, start writing down everything I say"? [Jumps on Fred] Fred, I don't know who Friday is, but you and me both know, the monster doesn't exist.
- Fred: so, you don't mind coming with me tonight at the witching hour?
- Mort: ugh, Fred, I have better things to do at the midnight! like, you know, I, well, I HAVE A BUSY SCHEDULE OK BYE! [walks away]
- Fred: wait, wait! [stops him] how about I'll let you record me looking stupid while I'll try to fight with the monster that doesn't exist?
- Mort: [smirks while thinking about it]
- Fred: uhh. but if the monster does appear, you have to film the fight and put it on the internet instead of your stupid video, deal?
- Mort: deal! [shakes hand with Fred]
[in Luckpuig resident]
- Fred: [sigh], my reputation is at stake! ow! now listen carefully to the second part of my plan! [Friday throws toilet paper at him repeatedly] ow! hey Friday- Ow! quit doing that- OW! already! hey!
- Friday: I'm just trying to help! toilet paper inspiration will provide you with another great idea! [throws another one]
- Fred: OW! [thinks] hey I got one! listen, you head in the bathrooms, when I arrive with Mort, you and I fight.
- Friday: cool!! [takes out a plasma gun immediately]
- Fred: no,no weapons! ok? it's just an act. you have to let me win!
- Friday: uh-huh that's not cool.
- Fred:if I don't win then the plan won't work! bye bye fun!
- Friday: ok, let's do us up! [turns into the toilet monster]
- Fred: No! Mort's no fool! but a toilet paper's not gonna cut it! we need a really amazing monster, you get me?
- Friday: so many horrifying monsters I can turn into!
- Fred: great, but hurry up! I'll keep Mort busy, you'll transform your self and then come the the school. we'll meet in the bathrooms. sweet corn! [gets out of the room]
- Friday: a big moment needs a big look! [transforms] uh, oh no, something's not right.hmm [breaks the roof of the house] cool, right, just need a little bit of literal thinking. [laughs evilly and takes off]
[in the sky in Brains's spaceship]
- Agent Brains: Agent Brains here, I've been patrolling for over [yawning while looking at her watch] eight hours and there are no mutant aliens in sight. requesting permission, to aboard the mission. [Friday quickly passes from the spaceship as an alarm beeps] wait a minute, what was that? [goes after it]
- Friday: [roars like a monster] no that's dumb. [roars while shaking his arms] yeah it's kinda Corking [makes gorilla sounds while hitting on his chest] you got a primo man! [a net gets thrown at him] huh?
- Agent Brains: I've got you, mutant!
[Fred and Mort quietly enter to the school as a spaceship lands on the roof] [in the bathroom]
- Fred: [while looking in the stools] cover yourself, Mort! you're not ready to face an authentic toilet monster! [mumbling] ugh, Friday! where are you? [a smell spreads in the bathroom] [coughs] Mort, please! do you always
[the mutant appears]
- Mort: AHHH! the toilet monster!
[the mutant roars and gets close and Mort runs into a stool]
- Fred: aww come on Mort! don't be a chicken and keep taping! [looks at the mutant] let's show the world the real Fred!
[the mutant roars and picks up Fred with a tentacle and Mort starts recording]
- Fred: stinky monster, you're late! never heard of punctuality? obviously you need to be taught a lesson! [punches the mutant in the eye] and I'm here to teach you a whole class! for free! [pulls its eyelids]
[the mutant starts to repeatedly hit Fred on the ground]
- Fred: [while getting beaten up] UGH! take that! OW! take this too! oooof!
[Mort looks away while still recording]
- Fred: [grabs the mutant by the eye] hey, buddy you look really cool and stinky, but, you're fighting too hard, let me-
[the mutant roars in his face and stretch Fred with its tentacle]
- Fred: [screams while trying to crawl himself away] DON'T. BRING ME. UP?
[out side in the Hallway]
- Friday: Brains, I am a robot masquerading as a mutant wannabe who wants to be who wants to be a robot masquerading as a mutant wannabe robot, not to gathering around!
- Agent Brains: [sigh] Ok! sorry! my mistake! hey, are you sure this is the place?
[an explosion shakes the bathroom door as Fred's scream comes from behind it]
- Friday: no way! they started without me?
- Agent Brains: wait! [smells] I can smell mutant!
- Fred: [talking to mutant] ENOUGH ALREADY!
- Agent Brains: [opens the door and shoots the mutant in the eye]
[the mutant roars ,shrinks and turns into a squeezy toy]
- Fred: [squeezing the mutant] hey! where are you going? I haven't even started yet! [falls on the ground]
[the squeezy toy jumps out of the bathroom as Friday picks it up] [the next day]
- Nora:congratulations, Fred! what a cool video! but, you know what? I like the other one better! I've always liked chickens! they're fun and, they're just so cute!
- Fred: [gasps with a dropped jaw and starts running] tell me you didn't delete the chicken video! Mort! MORT!