Lucky Fred Wiki
Lucky Fred Wiki

Holly is a recurring character of Lucky Fred. She's the former captain and the new mascot of the school's basketball team.


She has red-pink eyes and orange-red hair that she holds them (pigtails style) with two green scrunchies. Her usual outfit consists of a purple shirt, a vest and light blue skirt and yellow slippers.


It appears that she would do anything to stay at the spotlight and she gets jealous easily to the people who are better than her.


Her first appearance was in Episode 15 when she was the captain of the school's girls' basketball team and agreed that Braianna enter the team if Fred agrees to be the new team mascot wearing a stinking rabbit costume. But when she realized that Braianna is the new star of the team she started looking for ways to get rid of her. Fred tries to avoid the event by becoming the best mascot in history using Friday as a couple of powerful jumping shoes to become popular and that makes Holly having no choice but to let Braianna stay in the team. Holly finally throws Fred and Braianna out of the team by becoming the main Player the new team mascot to draw the others' attention (which only made her to start itching her self madly because of how old and dirty the costume was)

In Episode 30, she, Nora and Sara are the founders of a club where they spend their time creating and designing stuffed animals and Braianna (much to her displease) is the fourth member of the club.

In Episode 32, she, Simone and Corky were attracted to Wally K when he went on a date with Friday (who turned into a girl named Berta to prevent Wally from kicking off to Fred, who was the goalkeeper of the football team). Which caused the girls to see that he actually has feelings and notice him.

In Episode 48, Jake invited her to the place where couples usually met (the couples' fountain) and he gave Holly a gift (a box of chocolates). she was very happy, indicating that the two would go out.


  • The only girl that has proven to be a better basketball player than her was Braianna.
  • Seeing Braianna and Fred became more popular than her role in the team, she decided to be the new mascot of the team so only she could hog the attention of the public.
  • She and Jake were the first romantic couple next to the water fountain and it's conceivable that they're still in a relationship.